Rancang Bangun Sistem Inventaris Barang Berbasis Web Dengan Pemanfaatan Bot Telegram (Studi Kasus PT. PLN (Persero) Unit Pelaksana Pembangkitan Nagan Raya)

Fazil Fazil, Hendrawaty Hendrawaty


Inventory is an activity intended to manage the inventory of goods / assets owned by the office or company, no exception at PT. PLN (Persero) Nagan Raya Generation Implementation Unit which is a coal-fired power plant. At PT. PLN (Persero) Nagan Raya Generation Implementation Unit has not fully used a computer-based information system to support its performance. The management and storage of goods inventory data is still carried out using (document word / excel). This research discusses to develop and build a web-based inventory system using telegram bots so as to facilitate the management of inventory of goods. The system was built using the PHP programming language with the Codeigniter Framework, MySQL and Telegram Bot to access information on the system and sending notifications. The output of this research is an inventory system that is equipped with a telegram bot so that the system can: send notifications with Real-Time to officers who manage incoming and outgoing goods from the logistics department of the company to each department in the company, providing / Send notification of the remaining inventory of goods <3 real-time to the logistics staff after the submission of goods in the system, do generate goods numbers automatically, and make reports consisting of goods placement reports, report goods, report looking for temporary goods, goods card report, inventory card report, and inventory support facility report report.

Kata Kunci

Information System; Inventory; Telegram Bot; Real-Time Notification; Command Bot; Codeigniter Framework.

Teks Lengkap:



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