Rancang Bangun Sistem Notifikasi Pengunjung Rumah Berbasis Internet of Things

Muhammad Mulia Rifandi, Atthariq Atthariq


House is a building that is intended to be used as a place to live by humans, because everyone has important activities outside the home such as work, shopping, and so forth. Home visitors sometimes find the house they want to visit uninhabited, so they cannot meet the owner of the house. Therefore, homeowners need an Internet of Things based home visitor notification system, with this technology homeowners can find out who is visiting their home even if they are not at home. This research build a visitor monitoring system that can be controlled with a smartphone, and can record voice messages from visitors. This research uses Response Time method, and Digital Sound Conversion Calculation method. Response time testing on photo file sending systems get an average value of 3.2 seconds with a Standard Error of 3.1%, the remote control system gets an average value of 0.8 seconds with a Standard Error of 6.25%, at audio file sending system gets an average value of 6.7 seconds with a Standard Error of 2.98%. The results of Digital Sound Conversion testing with a duration of 15 seconds at a sampling rate of 11025 hz the size of the data is 323 KB, at a sampling rate of 22050 hz the size of the data is 645 KB, at a sampling rate of 44100 hz the size of the data is 1291 KB.

Kata Kunci

Voice Message; Internet of Things (IoT); Digital Sound Conversion

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