Uji Akurasi Metode Papan Prepil (Propil Board Method) untuk Penyetingan dan Pengukuran Geometrik Jalan

Zairipan Jaya, Muhammad Reza, Rosalina Rosalina, Kurniati Kurniati


Implementation of geometric setting and measurement for village roads is constrained by the cost of equipment rent and operator services. These costs are considered expensive for villagers. Thus, geometric settings and measurements are carried out without the help of professionals who result in a lack of accuracy espesially in the calculation the land cut and fill volume. This action results in
an uncomfortable and unsafe road shape. To overcome these problems, the use of traditional measuring devices of Propile Board Method is proposed. This method is considered easy to use and cheaper. However, further research related to the accuracy of these simple methods needs to be done. This study aims to determine the level of accuracy of Propile Board Method. Data collection was carried out by field observation on the village roads. The data obtained by using a propile board are compared to optical measuring devices. Based on quantitative descriptive analysis, the road axis line measurement shows an accuracy rate of 99.7%, horizontal alignment 96,3%, and vertical alignment and 92.5%. Based on these results, the accuracy of using the propile board method is greater than 96,2%. So this method can be used for village road construction.

Kata Kunci

Local road; Geometric; Hilly road; Uneven road; Profile board method; Measurement and setting

Teks Lengkap:



Anonim, 2016, Pembangunan Jalan Lingkungan di Perdesaan

Berbasis Masyarakat, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan

Rakyat Direktorat Jenderal Bina Konstruksi, Balai Penerapan Teknologi Konstruksi, Jakarta.

Anonim, 1998, Pedoman Teknis Metode Pembangunan Jalan

Berbasis Tenaga Kerja (Labour Based), Kementerian Pembangunan

Perdesaan, Direktorat Pembangunan Perdesaan, Jakarta.

Anonim, 1998, Petunjuk Teknis Pembangunan dan Pemeliharaan

Jalan dan Jembatan, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Direktorat

Jenderal Prasarana Wilayah, Jakarta.


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