Penerapan Strategi Operasional dan Pemeliharaan Drainase Berdasarkan Partisipasi Masyarakat

Dian Febrianti, Cut Suciatina Silvia


Blang Beurandang Village, BB1 Housing, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency. Is a flood-prone area. This is due to the fact that many drainage canals are damaged due to frequent flooding so that drainage cannot function properly, other than that there is no public awareness in maintaining drainage. Based on this background, this study was made to directly examine the existing conditions of the field drainage, and the implementation of operational and maintenance strategies based on community participation. This research uses the Likert scale method, the data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data includes the activity of distributing questionnaires to the community to find out community perceptions about optimizing drainage maintenance. While secondary data include the total population in the BB1 Blang Beurandang Housing Complex. From the research results obtained from the existing drainage conditions in Blang Beurandang Village, BB1 Housing, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency, there is still a lot of sedimentation in the canal network that is very thick so that the drainage cross section can only hold a little rainwater, which overflows out, besides that at drainage network is still a lot of garbage buildup and grow thick grass that makes the drainage network clogged. In order to achieve good drainage maintenance, the strategy that must be implemented is to repair damaged drainage networks, normalize drainage networks, implement regular drainage maintenance in the form of mutual cooperation every two weeks, and
periodic maintenance of drainage once a month together with the Government The area is by cleaning, socializing, and evaluating regularly about drainage cleaning that has been carried out so far through routine maintenance once a week.

Kata Kunci

Drainage; community perception; drainage maintenance strategy; Likert scale

Teks Lengkap:



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Alfiansyah Yulianur BC, Agussabti, Rubiya, (2011)Evaluasi Kinerja Drainase Kota Banda Aceh Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pemeliharaannya, jurnal teknik sipil Unsyiah


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