Penggunaan Relay Arus Lebih Tipe Sel-351A Sebagai Proteksi Pada Motor Induksi 3 Phasa

Said Aiyub, Yaman Yaman, Maimun Maimun


There is over current Relay used in this research. The type was SEL-351A. It had 3 tests characteristics, namely normal inverse, very inverse, and extremely inverse. In these activities the author only tested the characteristics of normal inverses. Over current relay type SEL-351A as protection for a 3 phase induction motor simply by using the normal inverse characteristic when it was operating. The purpose of this study to know how to operate the relay as a overload protection device, short circuit, how the software from the Relay was used in the SCADA viewer and active Servo. One of the disturbances in the electric power system is over current. This condition can be coused the over current over load and short circuit. Testing was done to test the time of termination of the relay
with inverse normal time characteristics, because the over current relay type SEL-351A as over current protection on 3 phase induction motor and was operating by using the SCADA and active servo software. The test results are normal inverse with a load resistor of 1.2 ampere current setting and a delay time of 0.1 seconds, when the fault current was at least 1.3 ampere, the termination time was 8.33 seconds. At the time of the highest interference current of 1.5 amperes, the termination time was 2.56 seconds. Furthermore, from the results of testing the 3 phase induction motor protection setting 1.2 Ampere and a delay time of 0.01 seconds. When the interference current was at least 1.3 amperes, the time of disconnection was 7.53 seconds. At the time of the highest interference current of 1.5 amperes, the termination time was 2.02 seconds.

Kata Kunci

Characteristics of Relays; over current relays; short circuit; overload; normal Inverse

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