Subtitusi Abu Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Material Pengisi Pada Campuran AC-WC

Fajri Munawarah, Sulaiman AR, Gustina Fitri


Road pavement materials can be utilized from waste, such as palm oil processing industry waste. The material used in this study is the substitution of fillers (filler) is the ash of oil palm shells, which is an alternative to the palm oil processing industry because the utilization of palm shell waste in various CPO oil processing industries has not been maximized, palm oil shells are easy to get, economical, and availability is sufficient. The research method follows the applicable standards for AC-WC mixtures. The oil palm shells used come from PT. Syaukat Sejahtera (CPO) Bireuen District, Aceh Province. The aggregates and asphalt used are from Quary Geureudong Pase Mbang which were processed and solved through Stone Crusher, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. The study aims to determine the parameter value of marshall substitution of oil palm shell ash as fill material in the AC-WC mixture, with the percentage of oil palm shell ash 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, using applicable specifications. Compaction of the test specimens is done by collision of 2 X 75 each surface for heavy traffic. Physical examination results show the specific gravity and absorption of split aggregates, screens, dust, and sand meet the specified requirements, namely specific gravity ≥2.50 gr / cm and absorption <3%. Optimal values of Marshall parameters were obtained at 50% variation of palm shell ash ash with stability values of 1632 kg, flow 5.3 mm, VMA 18.64%, VIM 7.83%, VFB 73.53%, MQ 314.45 kN / mm, Density 2.23 gr / cm3. But overall all variations
of the palm shell ash used meet the requirements.

Kata Kunci

AC-WC; Asphalt; Filler; Marshall Characteristics; Palm Oil Waste

Teks Lengkap:



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