The purpose of this study is to investigate feasibility of fish processed by craftsmen in Pusong district,
of Lhokseumawe City. Based on the results, an average value of fish production received by the
craftsmen on fish processing are Rp. 50,400,000.00 permonth, while production cost of fishing
processing has issued of Rp. 42,554,504.17. It means that they have created a profit of production,
approximately Rp. 7,845,495.83 for one production process. Based on benefit and cost ratios
approach, the value return of the acquisition cost ratio is highlighted 1.18; meaning that any added
costs of processed fish production will increase profitability for the craftsmen of 1.84. According to
other results analysis, the business of craftsmen in Pusong Baru is quite profitable to run. Craftsmen
enjoyed the added value of processed fish business is also quite large at Rp 1806.50/kg. Financially,
the business development of fish processing is feasible. It can be seen from NPV > 0 is Rp.
81,855,887, NBCR> 1, 2.58, IRR = 54.99% greater than the prevailing interest rates at 15% and
BEP occurs at the age of 4 years and 8 months, 22 days. However, the developing of other types of
fish processing is needed. It could be done by involvement of other parties in term of craftsmen
empowerment to encourage of traditional home industry scale to be a modern home industry scale.
Finally, the value added might be enhanced by craftsmen through products diversification.
Kata kunci: Craftsmen of fish processed, feasibility of fish processed, fish production, production.
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