Herri Purwanto


GARK Surabaya is one of the analyst work units in PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA), which plays an important role in lending. BCA is very aware that human resources are one of the important assets to support the sustainability of existing businesses. The development of quality human resources is BCA's commitment in implementing the bank's strategic direction to provide quality services for customers. This study aims to see the learning process at GARK Surabaya in terms of the system learning organizational model approach, to find out which subsystems are encouraging and inhibiting and the reasons, so that they can provide alternative recommendations so that the existing learning process can be more effective. The approach in this study uses qualitative methods, through interviews, observations, documents, and literature books. Interviews were conducted using an open standardized question guide. Interview guidelines include issues related to the research topic. Interview guidelines are used to maintain the conversation that occurs during the interview, so that it remains in the focus of research. The learning process at GARK Surabaya has been going well, although it is still not fully in accordance with the system of learning organization models. Dimensions of structure in the organization subsystem, dimensions of personal mastery and mental models in learning subsystems, dimensions of customers in people subsystems and technology subsystems are the dimensions and subsystems that most support the learning process at GARK Surabaya. While the dimensions and subsystems that must be considered more and improved are the vision dimensions of the organization subsystem, the strategy dimension of the organization subsystem and the knowledge subsystem (storage dimension, analysis and data mining dimensions, transfer and dissemination dimensions, and transfer and dissemination dimensions).

Keywords: GARK Surabaya, learning process, learning organizations, system learning 

                organization model

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