Florentia Farahrozi, Verinita Verinita


Abstract: Consumer’s green marketing awareness is cognition from consumer about the green marketing by the companies has a positive impact on the environment. Consumer’s green marketing awareness can be seen from three aspect: awareness of green product, green price, and brand image. This researched aimed to measure the effects of awareness of green product, price, and brand image toward purchase decision of green product The Body Shop in Padang. The type of research is causality research. A sample of 130 respondents were taken using purposive sampling with criteria : woman that know, interested, has bought The Body Shop’s products who lived in Padang. The data collection method is a questionnaire. The analysis used is multiple regression analysis with data processing using SPSS software. The results showed that awareness of green product, price and brand image have positive and significant influence to the purchasing decision of green product.


Keyword: green marketing awareness, green product, green price, brand image, purchase decision

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