This writing provides the related studies about turnover intentions. This research observes the impacts of job satisfaction, organizational equity, and organizational culture towards employees’ turnover intentions in Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru. The population of this research is the Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru employees which consists of 90 (ninety) employees. The data was obtained directly by the researcher during the observation in the field, namely by directly entering the research area to be studied, by spreading questionnaires to the respondent, which in this case is the Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru employees. The processing of the obtained data was done using the SPSS Software (Statistical for Social Science) Version 20 for Windows. The results of this research suggests that job satisfaction, organizational equity, and organizational culture have a significant negative effect on the employees’ turnover intentions. The implication for the company is that the better the implementation of job satisfaction, organizational justice and organizational culture in the company, the lower the desire of expatriates to leave the organization. Likewise, if the expatriates feel that the application of organizational culture is not good, it will increase their desire to leave the organization.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Justice, Organizational Culture, Turnover Intentions
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