Journal History

Journal of Science and Technology Reaction ISSN 1699-248X (Print), ISSN 2549-1202 (Online) published since June 2003, with the founders being: Teuku Rihayat, Alfian Putra and Yusrini Marita. Since it was published for the first time until now, it continues to maintain its existence as a medium of communication between scientists in the field of Engineering, especially in the field of Chemical Engineering. This journal is published twice (2) times a year, namely in June and December.

Journal of Science and Technology Reaction or JSTR may be abbreviated, focuses on many aspects of Chemical Engineering, such as: Chemical Reaction Engineering, Environmental Chemical Engineering, Fossil and Renewable Energy, and Materials Synthesis and Processing.

Journal of Science and Technology Reaction is a research and development journal inviting fundamental, original and new research and development contributions. This journal aims to provide a forum for the review of original fundamental research results, interpretive reviews and discussion of new developments in Chemical Engineering and other related fields of study. The paper to be published describes the new theory and its application which can be accepted by the engineering academic community in general and Chemical Engineering in particular. Reports of carefully conducted, well-interpreted experimental work are also welcome.

Journal of Science and Technology Reaction, for the field of Environmental Engineering will accept and present papers discussing topics in environmental chemistry and process engineering. Environmental separation treatment and processes, pollution control and resource recovery, environmental bioprocesses, bioenergy, environmental nanotechnology, clean process technologies and waste minimization are among the topics discussed. Papers in which knowledge from other disciplines is integrated with chemical engineering are especially welcome.

In the Journal of Science and Technology Reaction, Chemical Reaction Engineering will accept and present papers on various topics including reaction kinetics, applied catalysis, simulation and optimization of various types of reactors, unsteady-state reactors, multiphase reactors, and process intensification including fundamental investigations of heat transfer processes , the mass and momentum that occur together with a chemical reaction.

Innovative and critical research in reactor engineering (e.g. catalysis, new reactor designs and materials, reactor safety and environmental issues), and new and high-interest reactor technologies in research fields (e.g. membrane reactors, chromatography reactors, fluid bed, electrochemical reactors , micro-reactors, photoreactors, fuel cells, enzymatic reactors, etc. are warmly welcomed.

In the Journal of Science and Technology Reaction, the fields of materials, synthesis and energy applications which discuss various aspects of preparation and characterization are also highly anticipated to be published. Manuscripts dealing with micro and nano structured materials and/or explaining the synthesis of composite and hybrid materials will be accepted.