Program Kemitraan Masyarakat pada Usaha Pengolahan Kelor di Desa Panton Makmur, Kecamatan Krueng Sabee, Aceh Jaya

Ryan Moulana, Satriana Satriana, Rasdiansyah Rasdiansyah


CV. Kelor Kita is a business unit in Panton Makmur Village, Krueng Sabee, Aceh Jaya which is engaged in processing of
Moringa leaves and seeds. The Community Partnership Program (PKM) activity aims to apply processing and marketing technology
to improve the quantity and quality of Moringa processed products produced by CV. Kelor Kita as partner of PKM activity. Through
this PKM activity, partners get assistance through the procurement of production and marketing facilities, namely: screw type press
tools, dryers (ovens) and website. Benefits obtained by partners are: increasing the production capacity of Moringa
seed oil through the procurement of press equipment and increasing the capacity and quality of Moringa leaf powder production
through the procurement of dryers. Meanwhile, the procurement of website is expected to assist partners in
increasing product promotion and sales

Kata Kunci

moringa leaf powder, moringa seed oil, Panton Makmur

Teks Lengkap:



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